How can Family Quarrels cause weight gain?

How can Family Quarrels cause weight gain?

How can Family Quarrels cause weight gain?

Researchers from the Ohio State University arrived at the conclusion that frequent family quarrels and depressions could be the cause of weight gain. They determined that stress contributes to binge eating with the help of which we try to calm our nervous system down. Moreover, while under stress our body burns fewer calories after food ingestion.

American scientists determined that systematic quarrels as well as depressions increase the risk of obesity. This relation stems from the fact that our body processes fat-containing foods in a different way when we are in a certain mental or emotional state. Thus, spouses who often quarrel or suffer from depression burn fewer calories than usual after meals. Hence more fat is deposited under their skin.

Moreover, such people have increased insulin level in their bodies, which also adds to excess fat deposition. Those people who have a fondness for argument after meals appear to have high blood triglycerides level – a variety of fats. Due to frequent family quarrels and depressions causing reduction in the number of burnable calories after food ingestion, body weight gain can be up to 6 kg per year.

Moreover, we often seek comfort in food after quarrels. According to a well-known British psychologist and dietitian Jane McCarty emotional food intake is the primary factor of weight gain. The more often we quarrel with our spouses or partners, the more often we turn to food for comfort. It helps in the short run as far as food intake reduces the stress hormone level and increases the release of ‘happy hormones’. But in the long run the man starts gaining weight fast due to overeating.

These facts confirm the previous researches, which suggested that women under stress gain weight due to hypo metabolism – such women burn 100 calories less a day. But family quarrels threaten not only with obesity. Researchers from the University of Utah found out that spouses who often quarrel are at greater risk for heart diseases. Such people tend to have an increased level of arteriosteogenesis, which is hazardous to heart and increases the risk of early death.

After a 12 year research British scientists came to the conclusion that conflicts with the loved ones put people at higher risk of heart diseases than obesity or smoking. The probability of becoming a heart patient in those who are in constant conflict with the loved ones is 34% higher than in those who live in peace and quiet. So, if you suffer from obesity and do not succeed in weight loss, it is quite probable that the reasons lie in your family quarrels. Try to find a common language with your mates and your mental life and physical health will definitely improve.

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