15 Weight Loss Tips: How to lose weight effectively

15 Weight Loss Tips: How to lose weight effectively

Inherently the term dieting lacks a feel of permanence. I mean most people see their diet as temporary until they have lost x number of pounds. However, with that sort of attitude once they have quit “dieting” and returned to their normal diet (the one that got them fat in the first place) they will most likely regain all the weight.

So before you start dieting make the decision to change your lifestyle (once you achieve your ideal weight you won’t have to be as strict). Once you have decided this you will find it easier to make it through since it’s not something you are just suffering through and patiently bearing. It’s how you are going to live.Discover the 15 best weight loss tips that are already evidence-based.

1. drink lots of water to lose weight:

1. drink lots of water to lose weight:

That’s right. Drink lots of water! Water is good for you any way you look at it. You should be drinking half your weight in ounces. That’s 7.5 cups a day (8 ounces = 1cup).

Drinking water not only will clean out your systems, it will help you feel fuller. So don’t freak out when you feel bloated and fatter at first. It’s completely normal. Eventually, you’ll get used to all the water and it will help you to eat less and let it out quickly. Remember not to drink cold water late at night. It is likely to cause an unpleasant stomachache.

2. Eat small meals to lose weight:

2. Eat small meals to lose weight:

For years the health benefits of breakfast have been spread. And the European habit of eating large lunches and small dinners continues to prove healthier for your body.

We seek to take it one step further by recommending 5 meals in a day. Three small meals, and two snacks.

3 meals of 350 calories-550 calories

2 snacks (in between the three meals) of 250 calories

Why eating 5 small meals are better:

Small meals spaced throughout the day are more likely to keep you full; meaning your desire to eat will be greatly alleviated. The hormones that your thyroid gland releases to tell your stomach that it needs to eat won’t be triggered because you will have enough food in its stomach.

When you eat large meals the body anabolizes the calories into fat stores. Eating small meals supplies the body with the same number of nutrients and calories that it needs, but in doses that make sure that it doesn’t instantly store excess.

You feel less lethargic because it requires less stress on the body to process small amounts of food versus hearty meals.

Small meals starting early in the day cause the body to maintain metabolism and start early. Thus, the body actually burns more calories by eating more often. And if those meals are small, weight loss is easier.

Finally, a behavioral one. If you eat 5 meals a day, starting with breakfast, and two small snacks in between those three meals, it is very easy to get into a healthy habit. This helps one stick to the calorie count they have chosen. And makes your diet that much more likely to succeed.

 3. Vegetables to Eat to Lose Weight:

3. Vegetables to Eat to Lose Weight:

For centuries and generations, mothers have told their children to eat more vegetables. And, they have always been right. Vegetables contain tons of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that our body cannot do without. Without vegetables, your systems will shut down. You will suffer symptoms of deficiencies including hair loss, vomiting, loss of sight, teeth falling out, etc. Not to mention the fact that vegetables contain fewer calories and healthier calories than some other alternatives.

This could be the reason why there is no weight loss diet in the world devoid of vegetables. Vegetables will boost your metabolism, keeping your systems running smoothly and efficiently, and help you to make the most of your weight loss plan. Other foods and plans may make the difference between 10 – 12 pounds. A diet with lots of vegetables will help keep off those pounds.

4. High-fiber diets for weight loss:

4. High-fiber diets for weight loss:

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to help out your diet is including more fiber into the foods that you eat. This is hardly a new idea, most indigenous cultures eat high fiber meals, have lower levels of digestive tract diseases, and the benefits are extraordinary for how simple this tip is to implement. Fiber in high amounts helps the large intestine and the entire digestive tract. It cleanses the colon, and helps with colon health.

This also has an additional benefit that is derived from the nature of fiber. The same fibrous materials that help keep your gastrointestinal tract working steadily and properly also absorb many times its weight in water/fat/cholesterol. This is one reason that fiber has the rare stamp of approval from the FDA as a heart healthy food that lowers the risk of heart disease. But what does this mean for your diet? You feel more full while eating less. The fiber bonds to waters/fats/cholesterols and makes you feel like you have eaten more. Plus it slows the absorption of these high calorie molecules into your bloodstream.

With so many benefits, and overall health given from consuming more fiber how can you implement more fiber in your diet? Eat more whole grains instead of simple processed flours. Brown rice instead of white rice. More roots and fruits. And perhaps the easiest? A bran cereal with 1% milk to start the day off.

But, most people have either a hard time figuring out ways to substitute more fiber into your diet. Brown rice just isn’t the same as white rice. For those of you that agree, another simple way to get your daily dose of fiber is by adding a fiber supplement to your diet.

5. Establish a Support System:

5. Establish a Support System:

One of the hardest things about losing weight is following through on your goals. Something we have found that helps is a strong support system. Now a support system can be different things for different people, below we have listed some common various ideas.

A popular form of support since the start of internet has been the use of online forums to form weight loss support groups. These forums are a great resource to talk to other people with the same goals as you.

Another idea is to every day create yourself a daily report on your weight-loss activities for the day. This allows you to take a closer look at your day and find mistakes to improve on and successes to celebrate.

Competition easily brings out the best (and occasionally worst) in people. So find someone to compete with. Compare weight loss goals, find a fair measure and have fun prizes along the way (paid for by the loser of course).

Whatever helps you keep going get started now. The best laid plans are worthless if you never implement them. Decide right now what you need and set goals to implement it.

6. Get Out and Exercise:

6. Get Out and Exercise:

I know there may be a million excuses to get out of exercising on a consistent basis, but the rule of thumb in weight loss is JUST DO IT! This is perhaps the most important tips as exercise is essential for weight loss. There are a variety of reasons why exercise is so important. Besides burning extra calories and fat, exercise is probably the most effective way of increasing your metabolism.

Exercise can also be crucial to your mental health. It can create a positive mental attitude and bring you more energy. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week will make an enormous difference in your weight loss efforts. Studies show that exercise in the mornings can be very helpful in weight loss. Studies also show that exercise in the evening is the most optimal time because your metabolism naturally starts to slow down about 8 hours of being awake. Thirty minutes of exercise in the evening will not only burn off stored fat but it can boost your metabolism as your body starts to slow its metabolism process.

7. diet good carbs for weight loss:

7. diet good carbs for weight loss:

While bad carbs such as white rice, candy, and white bread lead to obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, etc., good carbs can lead to increased energy, weight loss, and dramatic improvement in your long term health. Carbs are the most efficient sources of energy, and they act quickly. So for a quick boost, carbs are the way to go. Good carbs are high in fiber, low on the glycemic index, low in energy density, and high in their thermogenic effect.

All this means that while good carbs will not provide a whole lot of calories, they will help your body to burn more fat by the process of thermogenesis and provide energy to help you exercise and be more active. Increasing your metabolism and increasing your energy with good carbs can help you to promote long term weight loss. Examples of good carbs include wheat and whole wheat breads, oatmeal, beans, and fruit. 

8. Maintain Your Liver for weight loss:

8. Maintain Your Liver for weight loss:

There have been various products that push how important it is to detoxify your liver. I can’t give you an exact effectiveness of these different products, but what I can say is that toxins do build up in the liver over time. Unfortunately, these toxins can cause some serious damage to your body including slowing down your body’s natural metabolism and fat break down process. It can inhibit your body from losing weight as you would like it to.

9. Make time for Breakfast:

9. Make time for Breakfast:

There may be nothing worse than platitudes. Likewise there is always the annoyance of finding out that your culture’s ancient saying is the most accurate statement of health. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” rings truer and truer as we start to break down science more and more.

Many times people skip breakfast when dieting in hopes of losing the calories they would have consumed during that meal. Unfortunately this fails for two very notable reasons. First and foremost, at lunch and then dinner they are hungrier and more than make up for the lost calories with replacement calories. Secondly, when we don’t eat breakfast our metabolism slows down for the entire day. Simply by eating breakfast your metabolism raises and more calories get burnt the whole day long.

Interestingly enough, Japanese sumo wrestlers follow the no-breakfast weight loss routine. So how do you avoid that correlation? Eat a little fruit, a cup of cereal with low fat milk. Maybe even an egg a couple times a week. Wash it down with a glass of O.J. and you have sped up your metabolism, eaten less than 500 calories, and saved yourself the make-up meals at lunch and dinner.

10. Minimum Caloric Intake for weight loss:

10. Minimum Caloric Intake for weight loss:

How much is too much?

You know your weight. You know your ideal weight. You know your target weight loss. How do you get there? And what do you need to know before you begin?

Everyone wants to drop the most weight the fastest. After all, as soon as you finish dieting, being hungry, and establish better eating habits you get to eat normally, cheat every once in a while, and practice the routine you are already living by. But trying to get there in a hurry may actually be bad for your diet and your body.

Every body needs at least 1200 calories for all of its organs to function properly – you will need more depending on your age and height, but 1200 is the absolute minimum. Going below this does several things, and the details here are important.

When you go under 1200 calories, any meal you eat more than 350 calories the body turns all excess into fat stores, because it believes it is preparing for a famine. The body then proceeds to break down lean muscle and bone, instead of fat, to get its energy. Your metabolism slows down to keep from expending energy from what your body sees as a shortage. Most importantly, and perhaps most devastatingly, as soon as one ups to a normal diet, the body stores as much as it can in fat, maintaining a low metabolism, and potentially (and usually) gaining more weight.

The magic number of 1200 is still very low. Look at the following numbers and consider implementing them into your life.

    -  3 meals of 350 calories

   -  2 snacks (in between the three meals) of 250 calories  

This yields 1550 calories, enough to keep your body running, your vitamins high, and your metabolism active. No lean muscle is deteriorating. This is also more than enough to lose weight. Your body will reduce fat stores, and simply by 20 minutes of exercise a day, through anabolism will turn the calories into muscle cells, not fat storage.

11. Planning Your Menu for weight loss:

11. Planning Your Menu for weight loss:

Menu planning may seem like it’s not that big a deal, but in reality it can be a great tool to maintain your “diet”. The grocery store is where we make or break the diet, and planning your menu makes grocery shopping easy.

So sit down once a week and plan out your meals; don’t forget to include some healthy snacks for in between meals. Doing this will help you to avoid those impulse purchases that you really shouldn’t have anyways.

12. Protein and Weight Loss:

12. Protein and Weight Loss:

Protein is an important nutrient for your body. It is essential to the make up of your bone and muscle tissue. Maintaining this will keep your body in optimum condition allowing you to exercise and in other ways maintain your body. It also keeps your metabolism high, ensuring long term weight loss success. Good, lean protein sources include chicken, turkey, swordfish, orange roughy, salmon, tuna, crab, lobster, shrimp, egg whites, low fat cottage cheese, tempeh, tofu, and veggie burgers. Make sure not to over indulge as that can quickly make you gain weight as well.

13. sleep more eat less lose weight:

13. sleep more eat less lose weight:

Some exciting recent studies are showing amazing correlations between sleep and weight loss. Researchers are finding that how much and quite possibly how well you sleep may play a critical role in the hormones involved with your appeitite.

Have you ever noticed that after a restless night of tossing and turning when no matter what you eat you just can’t seem to get enough to eat? Well scientists now believe that this effects two appetite related hormones, leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin and ghrelin work in tandem throughout your body to control feeling of hunger and fullness. Ghrelin, produced by the GI tract, stimulates feeling of hunger and appetite, while leptin, produced in fat cells, let your brain know when you are full.

Recent studies show that not getting enough sleep tends to drive leptin levels down meaning you don’t feel satisfied after you eat, ghrelin levels also are elevated resulting in increased appetite.

These effects can then lead to overeating resulting in weight gain.

Now while the results of these studies are far from conclusive there are definite benefits to making sure while dieting to get a few hours of extra sleep.

14. Alcohol and Your Appetite:

14. Alcohol and Your Appetite:

Drinking too much alcohol has potentially damaging effects beyond just the calories associated with your drink of choice. It not only can reduce the number of fat calories you burn but it can also increase your appetite and lower testosterone levels.

A Canadian study shows that an aperitif (an alcoholic drink taken before a meal to increase the appetite) increased calorie intake to a greater extent than a carbohydrate-based drink.

What happens when you drink alcohol is that alcohol isn’t metabolized into fat like ordinary food. It is actually converted into a substance called acetate. In fact a recent study showed that after drinking vodka acetate levels increase to 2.5 times normal levels. So for optimum weight loss we highly recommend cutting down on alcohol to the barest minum.

15. Track Your Progress:

15. Track Your Progress:

In order to keep yourself motivated, you need to track your progress. I mean what better feeling is there reflect on how much weight you have lost and realize how much weight is melting off.

The first step is to decide what variables (or indications of weight-loss) you are going to track. Your goals will factor into what you are tracking, for weight loss you might track your daily calorie intake, the weight you lose (weekly/monthly), how often you exercise, and what you do when you exercise.

One good method for tracking your progress is to summarize your day in a daily log. In fact writing in a log will greatly improve your weight loss efforts. It will allow you to see what works and what doesn’t.

Recording information in a simple table provides easily reviewable numbers. The strength of this method is that it provides information easily looked back on later down the road.

There is a reason why trainers in the gym always record their clients’ progress. Writing down results really helps to track how well you are doing or how much work you need to be putting in.

So now that you are done reading all about tracking your progress; write down what your overall goals are. Take and write what information you need to track to make sure you meet your goals and how you are going to track it.

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