homemade juice recipes for weight loss

homemade juice recipes for weight loss

homemade juice recipes for weight loss

Everyone knows how bad sodas are for our health and it’s not an easy thing to stop drinking them. But, besides the 3 methods presented earlier on how to give up on soda, here’s another great one: why not make your own?

Homemade soda isn’t that difficult to prepare. Sure, you’ll need to buy some ingredients and you’ll need some time to prepare it, but it’s definitely worth it!

You will drink your own homemade soda, which means you know what you put into it, there’s no need to keep wondering if some ingredient might cause you cancer (I see it’s a trend lately to say that everything causes cancer…).

Another reason why it’s worth making your own fizzy drinks is that you will not give up on taste. Taste is one of the factors that kept you refill your empty glass of soda, right? Well, now you can have a healthier drink that tastes just as good.

Enough chit-chat now, let’s see some homemade juice recipes:

1. Homemade ginger ale

1. Homemade ginger ale

Ginger ale is a great drink, I enjoy it a lot but I’d rather make it at home, to be honest. It might not taste exactly the same as your favorite brand, but 1. all brands taste differently and 2. you can ‘play around’ with the ingredients until you invent the perfect combination.

You will need:

    - sugar – 1 cup (or 200 gr.)

    - ginger root, grated – about 2 -3 teaspoons

    - lemon juice – freshly squeezed from 1 lemon

    - baker’s yeast – 1/4 teaspoon (so, less than 2 gr.)

    - water

    - How to prepare homemade ginger ale:

In a bottle, mix the sugar with yeast, grated ginger root, the lemon juice and the water (but don’t fill it all up just yet).

Close the bottle with its cap and shake, shake, shake it.

Now, open the bottle, fill it up with water, close the cap and let your ginger ale sit in a warm place for about 1-2 days (so that the yeast can ferment in peace).

Once the ginger ale becomes ‘fizzy’, keep it in the refrigerator until you drink it all.

See? It’s not that difficult and it only takes you 10 minutes and… 2 days 😀 But it’s a healthy version of what you buy in the supermarket!

2. Homemade apple cider

2. Homemade apple cider

Love your apple cider? Well, making your own is so easy, you won’t believe it!

All you need are some apples and a blender (or a food processor). And a knife and spoon. And a sieve. That’s all you need, I promise!

How to prepare homemade apple cider:

First of all, you should choose sweet apples, if you can. Because that’s the only ingredient in apple cider. Now, wash them apples thoroughly , cut out the stems. Now cut them in quarters and throw them in your blender. Blend until they become applesauce, then strain the pulp using a sieve and a spoon, to press as much juice out as you possibly can.

That is it. It’s basically apple juice, freshly squeezed. It’s so much healthy  than store bought apple cider! Plus, leaving the apple peel on them makes it even more healthier, as all the nutrients are in there!

3. Homemade strawberry soda

3. Homemade strawberry soda

This one is easy to make too.

You need:

    - 1 cup of fresh strawberries (ok, they can be a few days old…)

    - ginger ale (explained earlier)

    - 1 teaspoon of sugar and ice

How to make homemade strawberry soda:

    - Mash the strawberries until you obtain a puree;

    - Mix with ginger ale to your taste and add sugar.

    - Mix well and serve with ice cubes. And a straw, to make it a fancy drink.

Aren’t these recipes easy to make? Even a kid can prepare them (except for the apple cider, kids shouldn’t play with knives :

Have you made your own homemade soda yet? Care to share your recipe?

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