 how to start jogging in the morning? Overcome obstacles

how to start jogging in the morning? Overcome obstacles

how to start jogging in the morning? Overcome obstacles

Jogging probably is the easiest, quickest and cheapest way for women to be in a good form. You can jog alone or with a partner, it does not need special home gyms and you needn’t waste too much time. Three or four times a week for 20-30 minutes – is enough to feel like a million dollars. You can run at any time of day, but if you prefer do gymnastics in the morning, you are waiting for some problems. It is a question of how you can start jogging clearing these obstacles.

how to wake up early in a working day?

morning joggingIt’s easy! Start with a weekend or holidays! Try to plan your first jogtrot on any free weekend. Wake up not early, but as usual and immediately, having yoghurt or some fruit, go jogging. There is no need to run at the beginning, for a start you can simply walk quickly the targeted route. At the same time you must dress so, as you do it for the regular jogs. When you come back home, look how long does it all take, including the dressing and shower. Next day, awakening and morning jog will not be so horrible.

how make up your mind?

Morning jogs have some undeniable advantages. First, in the morning it’s easier to plan your time. In the evening you can be kept at work, invited somewhere or guests might come to you. Secondly, it’s more pleasant to jog right in the morning: no cars, no people, and only fresh air. Thirdly, in the morning you are going strong and it’s easier to make up your mind for jogging. Wake up, get dressed, wash up and run. While jogging, don’t think about problems. No extra weight, no bosses, no financial problems. You are alone with the morning, nature and with your own body. Go on! Remember, first mood, then – technique!

how to learn run skilfully?

The morning jog shouldn’t exceed 20-30 minutes, and you have to jog 3-4 times per week. No one demands from you absolute sprinter’s skills. There is a beautiful technique of jogging – health-improving jogging.

Jog along – it’s an excellent aerobic training.

It has a positive influence not only on cardiovascular system, but also on mental faculties.

Jogging strengthens leg’s muscular system, burns extra fat and averts cellulitis.

Jogging raises the general body energy and helps to cope with depression.

(See more effects of jogging)

Start your training with a warming-up – some stretching exercises. Beginners should divide training into two stages – temporal and distance.

At first stage you run slowly, alternate minute of leisurely jogging with a minute of walking. In this way try to move about 15 minutes. On the second and third week raise your norm up to 20 minutes, and on the forth week – up to 30. By this time you will not have breathlessness, you get used to go out in any weather and learn to get pleasure from jogging.

Then comes the second distance stage. At first time you can run 2 km. At second – 3, at the third – you should run daily norm 4 km, at fourth day – again 2 km. Do not forget about the day of rest. Run as you can – easy, relaxed, unconstrained. Start with such a pace when you can easily keep up the conversation. Downhill run slower than uphill. During the jogging, hold yourself upright, don’t bend in the lumbar spine and don’t throw back your head. Easily wave your hands in time with racing.

Women's RunningMind your breathing, so that exhaust air can completely release lungs. The beginners are often strained and breathe lightly. At the end of your jogging make a small acceleration, at 20-50 meters. After that, walk one minute at a fast pace, gradually reducing it, and do simple breathing exercises. Even if you feel yourself perfectly, gradually add the loading: your body will tell you when and how much you should go and run.

where can you find an ideal place for jogging?

People go jogging everywhere: in halls, up the stairs, in stadiums, in parks. If you are determined to jog, it’s very important to select the route beforehand. At the weekend, going for a walk, you can examine streets around your house, which may be convenient for jogging. The best choice is little parks or squares – in a word, places with less cars and more nature.

who can be a partner?

If you are not a fan of solitude, a good company may be an important key to sport venture. It’s simpler for those who have a dog, that must be walked anyway, and at the same time you can build up your health. But if you do not have any dog, call your friends or beloved – it’s not inconceivable that it will help you be closer to each other. But if among breathers you do not meet moral support, arming with a player. Undoubtedly, favorite melodies will be the best energies

what should you wear for jogging?

If you want to make a morning run really pleasant, it is necessary to have comfortable clothes. Think what clothes can you wear – and if you don’t have a proper one, buy a new tracksuit, and what is more importantly – comfortable shoes. Running shoes should be well-springy, have shock-absorbers in heels and fix an ankle-joint. By purchase, pay attention to the sign “running model“. Socks can be both cotton and half synthetic, but underwear –T-shirt – only from natural fabrics. Necessarily prepare everything from the evening. To the smallest detail! Otherwise you start jogging with a painful gathering, and your spirit should be dampened.

how to keep motivation and what should you do if you don’t succeed in running?

In order to save a useful habit of morning jogging, you should choose and have a clear schedule – run 2 hours per week, dividing this time in 3-4 days (i. e. 4 days – 30 minutes or 3 days – 40 minutes). You can make a sport diary and count all running kilometers. Think in a following way: «When I go to my jogging, everybody will envy me. I am beautiful. I spend half an hour for my health and beauty». And in no case so: «In spite of everyday work I grit my teeth as it told in a fashion glossy magazines and go running». Even if you can not run today (chill, downpour, or you have returned the day before past midnight), don’t worry. Make it up next day!

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