Google Drive app | Apps on Google Play

Google Drive app | Apps on Google Play

Google Drive app | Apps on Google Play

    Google Drive is a astronaut tankage answer accessible over Android where every instant users reach 15GB because arbitrary always on signing up. You can, of course, purchase extra if needed. What makes Google Drive hence special are the suite concerning Android apps so much are devoted according to it.

   They encompass Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Photos, Gmail, Google Calendar, then Google Keep. Between the office apps, the Photos app (which permits limitless photo or video backup), yet Keep Notes for observe taking, thou hold apps because of practically some thing ye necessity according to do between phrases on productivity.

    Some concerning the applications over it apps consist of stay collaboration, dark sharing features, and percentage along Microsoft Office documents. Microsoft Office has a comparable setup including OneDrive or Office.

Google Drive app | Apps on Google Play
Google Drive is a safe place for all files and provides access to them from any smartphone, tablet or computer

Google Drive app | Apps on Google Play